Our glossary offers clear definitions and explanations for technical terms and jargon, aiding readers—particularly those new to the subject matter—in comprehending the content more efficiently. By enhancing accessibility, the glossary facilitates navigation across pages and enhances the grasp of essential concepts.

ASPIRATIONS represent individuals' hopes, goals, or ambitions for the future. They extend beyond immediate needs and wants, reflecting what individuals strive to achieve or become. Aspirations can be personal, such as achieving a certain level of education or career success, or collective, like community development goals. Aspirations motivate behavior and can influence preferences and wants.

BEHAVIOR encompasses the actions or reactions of individuals in response to external and internal stimuli. In the context of service utilization, behavior can include how individuals seek out, engage with, or avoid certain services or interventions. Understanding behavior is essential for designing solutions that are not only accessible but also align with the ways individuals naturally interact or make decisions.

CITIZEN refers to individuals in their role as members of a society or community, particularly in relation to their rights, responsibilities, and participation in public and civic life. It stresses the importance of engaging citizens in policy-making, governance, and community development to ensure that societal systems reflect collective needs and values.

CONTEXT encompasses the environmental, social, cultural, and economic background in which subjects and objects interact. It includes all external factors that influence the needs, behaviors, and preferences of subjects, as well as the design, implementation, and impact of objects. Understanding context is crucial for ensuring that solutions are relevant, accessible, and effective within the specific settings they are intended for.

DATA consists of raw facts and figures that, on their own, lack context but can be collected, analyzed, and processed to create useful information. It serves as the foundational layer upon which knowledge and intelligence are built.

EVIDENCE consists of the facts, data, or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. In the fields of healthcare, policy-making, and design, evidence is gathered through systematic research, including both quantitative studies (such as clinical trials, health preference studies, surveys, and statistical analyses) and qualitative research (such as case studies and narrative reports). Evidence supports informed decision-making by providing a solid foundation of knowledge about the effectiveness, impact, and outcomes of interventions, policies, and practices. It is critical for justifying decisions, ensuring that solutions are based on proven or observed results rather than assumptions or anecdotal information.

HUMAN refers to an individual or collective characterized by their complex needs, preferences, experiences, behaviors, and intrinsic value. This term emphasizes the universal aspects of being part of the human species, including physical, psychological, emotional, and social dimensions, underscoring the importance of empathy and holistic well-being in designing solutions and policies.

HUMAN-CENTERED ADVOCACY involves championing the needs, rights, and well-being of individuals, particularly those who are marginalized or vulnerable, through efforts to influence public policy, societal attitudes, and institutional practices. This form of advocacy prioritizes the human experience, aiming to create change that respects human dignity and promotes equity. It employs a deep understanding of the challenges and barriers faced by individuals to advocate for solutions that are inclusive and beneficial for all members of society. HUMAN-CENTERED ADVOCACY engages directly with the individuals and communities it aims to support, ensuring that their voices are heard and that they play an active role in advocacy efforts. It utilizes empathy and compassion as powerful tools for connecting with others and building support for causes. Advocates work to raise awareness about issues, mobilize public opinion, and engage with policymakers to enact meaningful changes that address the root causes of problems. HUMAN-CENTERED ADVOCACY is characterized by its commitment to ethical principles, striving to achieve outcomes that are just and fair. By focusing on the needs and experiences of people, human-centered advocates aim to build more inclusive, responsive, and caring societies. Ultimately, HUMAN-CENTERED ADVOCACY seeks to empower individuals and communities, enabling them to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.

HUMAN-CENTERED APPROACH is a framework that places humans at the core of problem-solving processes, ensuring that products, services, and systems are designed to meet their needs and enhance their well-being. It involves deep empathy and understanding of the users' experiences, emphasizing the importance of addressing their actual needs rather than assumptions. This approach prioritizes inclusivity, aiming to design solutions that are accessible and beneficial for a diverse range of users. It engages users directly in the development process, valuing their input and feedback as essential for creating meaningful solutions. The approach adopts iterative testing and refinement, using feedback loops to continuously improve the outcome based on real-world use. It champions holistic well-being, considering the emotional, psychological, and social impacts of solutions on individuals. The HUMAN-CENTERED APPROACH fosters collaboration across disciplines, bringing together experts from various fields to address complex human needs comprehensively. It encourages ethical decision-making, ensuring that solutions not only achieve their intended goals but also do so in a manner that respects human dignity and values. By focusing on the human aspects of technology and service design, it seeks to create more engaging, satisfying, and effective user experiences. Ultimately, the HUMAN-CENTERED APPROACH aims to innovate and solve problems in ways that genuinely improve human lives and society.

HUMAN-CENTERED CONSULTING is an advisory service that applies the principles of HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN to help organizations solve problems, innovate, and improve their operations with a strong focus on the needs and experiences of their customers or users. This consulting approach involves deeply understanding the client's target audience, employing empathy to uncover real needs and challenges. Consultants engage stakeholders and users through workshops, interviews, and participatory design sessions to co-create solutions that are truly aligned with user needs. The process emphasizes iterative development, prototyping, and testing with users to ensure that strategies and solutions are grounded in real-world feedback. HUMAN-CENTERED CONSULTING prioritizes delivering tangible value to both the organization and its users, aiming to enhance satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business outcomes. It encourages organizations to adopt a user-centric mindset in all aspects of their operations, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. Consultants provide expertise in bridging the gap between business objectives and user needs, ensuring that solutions not only meet technical and business criteria but also resonate with users. The approach is multidisciplinary, leveraging insights from design, psychology, business strategy, and technology to address complex challenges. By focusing on human experiences and needs,HUMAN-CENTERED CONSULTING helps organizations innovate more effectively and sustainably, leading to solutions that have a lasting impact.

HUMAN-CENTERED DECISIONS refer to the process of making choices that are primarily informed by and focused on the needs, preferences, values, and well-being of the people affected by those decisions. This approach prioritizes the human perspective in all stages of decision-making, from conception through implementation, ensuring that solutions are not only effective and efficient but also empathetic and equitable. HUMAN-CENTERED DECISIONS are crucial in fields such as healthcare, technology, design, and public policy, where the impact of decisions directly affects individuals' lives and societal well-being.

HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN is a creative approach to problem-solving that starts with the people you're designing for and ends with new solutions tailored to suit their needs. It involves three main phases: inspiration, ideation, and implementation, ensuring that user feedback is integral throughout the process. This design philosophy demands a deep empathy for the users, understanding their needs, challenges, and contexts to develop solutions that are genuinely useful and desirable. It employs a range of methods and tools, including user interviews, journey mapping, and prototyping, to explore and validate ideas from a user's perspective. HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN is iterative, allowing for continuous refinement and adjustment based on real-world user feedback and interaction. It fosters cross-disciplinary collaboration, combining insights from psychology, anthropology, engineering, and design to create comprehensive solutions. The approach emphasizes accessibility and inclusivity, aiming to create products and services that are usable and beneficial for as broad an audience as possible. By prioritizing the user experience in the design process, it seeks to enhance satisfaction, engagement, and overall effectiveness. HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN champions innovation by uncovering unmet needs and identifying opportunities for creative solutions. Ultimately, this approach aims to create more meaningful and sustainable interactions between people and the products, services, and environments they use.

HUMAN-CENTERED EVIDENCE encompasses data and insights collected and analyzed with a primary focus on understanding the impact of interventions, policies, and practices on individuals' lives and well-being. This type of evidence prioritizes the perspectives, experiences, and outcomes of people affected by these interventions, ensuring that decision-making is grounded in the realities of those it aims to serve. It involves gathering both qualitative and quantitative data that reflect the nuanced ways in which people interact with, perceive, and are influenced by products, services, and systems. HUMAN-CENTERED EVIDENCE is used to inform the development of solutions that are not only effective in achieving their intended outcomes but also enhance the user experience and satisfaction. This approach to evidence collection and analysis values empathy and inclusivity, seeking to understand diverse user experiences and ensuring that solutions meet a wide range of needs. It advocates for participatory research methods, involving users in the evidence-gathering process to ensure that their voices are heard and considered. HUMAN-CENTERED EVIDENCE helps to bridge the gap between abstract data and meaningful insights that can drive innovation and improvement. By focusing on the human impact, it ensures that the solutions developed are truly aligned with user needs and contribute positively to their quality of life. The ultimate goal of collecting HUMAN-CENTERED EVIDENCE is to support the creation of policies, products, and services that are not only technically and economically viable but also deeply resonant and beneficial to people.

HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH INNOVATION focuses on developing healthcare solutions that are explicitly designed around the needs, preferences, and experiences of patients and healthcare providers. It emphasizes creating interventions, technologies, and services that significantly improve health outcomes and patient care experiences. This innovation process involves patients and healthcare professionals in the design and testing phases, ensuring that the final products are both clinically effective and user-friendly. It aims to make healthcare more accessible, reducing barriers to care through the thoughtful design of products and services. HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH INNOVATION seeks to personalize healthcare, tailoring treatments and interventions to individual patient needs and preferences. It leverages insights from a wide range of data, including patient feedback and clinical outcomes, to inform the development of innovative healthcare solutions. The approach advocates for the integration of technology in healthcare in ways that enhance, rather than complicate, the patient experience. It challenges traditional healthcare models by proposing solutions that are more flexible, patient-oriented, and responsive to changing healthcare needs. Through HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH INNOVATION, the goal is to transform healthcare systems to be more efficient, effective, and empathetic. The ultimate aim is to create a healthcare environment where innovation directly contributes to improved quality of life and well-being for all patients.

HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH RESEARCH focuses on understanding health-related needs, experiences, and outcomes from the perspective of patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. It emphasizes designing healthcare solutions and interventions that are deeply attuned to the real-world needs and preferences of those it aims to serve, improving health outcomes and patient care.

HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTHCARE is a model of care that places patients and their needs, preferences, and values at the forefront of healthcare delivery, ensuring that medical decisions, services, and practices are tailored to the individual. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient's experience, striving to provide care that is not only clinically effective but also personally meaningful and respectful. HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTHCARE involves active collaboration between patients and healthcare providers, encouraging patients to participate in their care planning and decision-making processes. It seeks to create a healthcare environment that is responsive to the diverse needs of patients, including their cultural, emotional, and social contexts. The model advocates for designing healthcare systems and services that are accessible, user-friendly, and supportive of patient well-being beyond just the absence of illness. HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTHCARE prioritizes communication and empathy, aiming to build trust and understanding between patients and providers. By focusing on the whole person, rather than just treating specific conditions, it aims to improve overall health outcomes and patient satisfaction. This approach also considers the needs and well-being of healthcare providers, recognizing that their experience directly impacts patient care. Ultimately, HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTHCARE strives to transform the healthcare system into one that is more equitable, effective, and compassionate, ensuring that all patients receive care that truly meets their needs.

HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS are designed and operated with the primary focus on the needs and experiences of patients and healthcare providers, aiming to create systems that are accessible, efficient, and capable of delivering high-quality, personalized care. These systems are structured to ensure that healthcare delivery is tailored to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, supporting better health outcomes and enhanced patient experiences. HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS involve stakeholders at all levels in the planning, design, and implementation processes, ensuring that policies and practices reflect the real needs of those they serve. They prioritize the integration of technology and innovation in ways that improve, rather than complicate, patient care, making healthcare more accessible and effective. The design of these systems is informed by HUMAN-CENTERED RESEARCH and HUMAN-CENTERED EVIDENCE, leveraging insights into patient behaviors, preferences, and barriers to care. By emphasizing preventive care and holistic well-being, HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS aim to address not only medical needs but also the social determinants of health. These systems foster a culture of empathy, respect, and continuous improvement, ensuring that healthcare providers are supported and that patient care is always at the forefront. Ultimately, HUMAN-CENTERED HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS strive to be adaptive and responsive, capable of meeting the evolving needs of their populations while ensuring sustainability and equity in healthcare delivery.

HUMAN-CENTERED INSIGHTS are deep understandings gained from empathetic engagement with individuals, focusing on uncovering the underlying needs, motivations, barriers, and aspirations that drive human behavior. These insights are crucial for developing solutions that genuinely resonate with and meet the needs of the people they are designed for. They emerge from a process of active listening, observation, and participatory research, involving users in the exploration and problem-solving process. HUMAN-CENTERED INSIGHTS go beyond surface-level observations, revealing the complex interplay of factors that influence decisions and actions. They are used to inform the design of products, services, and systems, ensuring that these are aligned with real human needs and contexts. Gathering HUMAN-CENTERED INSIGHTS involves a commitment to inclusivity, seeking to understand diverse perspectives and experiences. These insights help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, guiding innovation and improvement. By focusing on HUMAN-CENTERED INSIGHTS, designers and policymakers can create more effective, satisfying, and meaningful user experiences. Ultimately, HUMAN-CENTERED INSIGHTS drive the creation of solutions that not only solve problems but also enhance well-being and quality of life, reflecting a deep respect for human dignity and potential.

HUMAN-CENTERED INTELLIGENCE refers to the design, development, and application of intelligent technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics, that prioritize human needs, preferences, behaviors, and ethical considerations at their core. This approach ensures that technological advancements are made with a profound focus on enhancing human well-being, usability, and ethical integrity.

HUMAN-CENTERED OUTCOMES refer to the impacts or results of a process, product, or service that prioritize human needs, well-being, and experiences. These outcomes are evaluated based on their ability to improve quality of life, satisfaction, and overall human-centric success criteria.

HUMAN-CENTERED RESEARCH is a methodology that prioritizes understanding people's real-world experiences, behaviors, and needs as the foundation for all stages of investigation and development. It employs qualitative and quantitative methods to gather deep insights into the human aspects of problems and potential solutions. This research approach is inherently participatory, often involving users in the research process to ensure findings are grounded in their lived experiences. It values empathy as a tool for gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities from the perspective of those affected. HUMAN-CENTERED RESEARCH aims to uncover not just what people need but why those needs exist, providing a more comprehensive view of the problem space. It uses a variety of tools and techniques, from ethnographic studies to user surveys, to capture a broad spectrum of human experiences. The insights gained from this research inform the design of solutions that are not only technically sound but also resonate with users on a personal level. This approach advocates for an iterative process, where findings are continuously refined and validated through engagement with the target population. HUMAN-CENTERED RESEARCH bridges the gap between abstract concepts and practical, impactful solutions. The ultimate goal is to produce knowledge and solutions that are deeply aligned with human values, needs, and aspirations.

INFORMATION is data that has been organized, processed, or structured in a way that adds meaning or context, making it useful and actionable. It bridges the gap between raw data and knowledge.

INNOVATOR describes individuals or entities that introduce new ideas, products, services, or methods. Innovators play a crucial role in driving progress and improvement in various fields, with a focus on creative problem-solving and addressing unmet needs through novel approaches.

INSIGHT refers to a deep understanding or revelation regarding the underlying nature of a problem, need, preference, or behavior that emerges from analyzing complex data or observations. In HUMAN-CENTERED APPROACHES, insights often arise from qualitative research methods such as interviews, ethnographies, and participatory design sessions. They provide valuable clues about users' motivations, challenges, and unmet needs, guiding the innovation process and solution development. Insights help bridge the gap between raw data and actionable strategies, revealing opportunities for meaningful improvements or innovations that might not be immediately apparent.

INTELLIGENCE, in a broad sense, refers to the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge to adapt to new situations, solve problems, and make decisions. In the context of data and systems, it involves the use of computational methods to process and analyze information to generate actionable insights.

INTERACTION describes the dynamic engagement between subjects and objects within a given context. It is a two-way process where both parties respond to and influence each other, with a focus on facilitating positive experiences, enabling effective communication, and ultimately achieving desired outcomes. Through interaction, objects (products, services, systems, policies) can influence user behavior, encouraging certain actions (e.g., adherence to treatment plans in healthcare) and discouraging others (e.g., risky health behaviors). Designing meaningful and effective interactions requires a deep understanding of human needs, preferences, behaviors, and contexts. The quality of interaction significantly affects the user experience, satisfaction, and the perceived value of the object, highlighting the need for thoughtful design and effective communication.

KNOWLEDGE is the understanding, awareness, or familiarity gained through education, experience, or analysis. It represents a higher level of cognitive processing of data and information, enabling informed decision-making and action.

NEEDS refer to essential requirements or conditions that must be satisfied for individuals to maintain their well-being, health, and functioning. Needs are often non-negotiable and universal, such as access to clean water, safe housing, healthcare, and education. In healthcare, needs might encompass effective treatment for health conditions, access to care, and preventive services.

OBJECT in this context can refer to the product, service, system, or policy that is being offered, designed, or evaluated to meet the needs of the subject. Objects are the tangible or intangible outcomes of innovation and design processes that subjects interact with. The design and functionality of the object are critical in fulfilling the subjects' needs and enhancing their overall experience.

PATIENT describes individuals who are recipients of healthcare services, highlighting their role within the healthcare system. This term underscores the importance of patient-centered care, emphasizing the need to consider their health-related needs, preferences, and the quality of their care experience.

PATIENT EXPERIENCES refer to the range of interactions that patients have with the healthcare system, including their care from health plans, doctors, nurses, and staff in hospitals, physician practices, and other healthcare facilities. It emphasizes the perspective of healthcare from the patient's viewpoint, aiming to understand and improve the way patients are treated and cared for.

PEOPLE denotes groups or communities of individuals, highlighting the diversity and plurality within human societies. It encompasses a broad spectrum of identities, cultures, and experiences, stressing the need for inclusivity and representation in decision-making processes and solution development.

POLICY encompasses the rules, guidelines, or principles set by organizations, governments, or institutions designed to influence or guide decisions and actions in specific areas. Policies are crafted to address the needs, challenges, and priorities of society or groups within it. A human-centered policy-making process involves engaging with stakeholders to ensure that policies are responsive to the actual needs and preferences of the subjects they impact, promoting equity, access, and positive societal outcomes.

PREFERENCE DATA refers to information collected about an individual's or group's choices, likes, dislikes, and priorities. In various contexts, such as healthcare, marketing, or product design, this data helps in understanding what users value most, guiding the development of tailored solutions and services.

PREFERENCE INFORMATION refers to specific data or insights related to the choices, inclinations, or desires of individuals or groups concerning various options or alternatives. This information is crucial in understanding what people value, prioritize, or favor in different contexts, whether related to products, services, healthcare options, or policy preferences. Gathering preference information involves engaging with users or stakeholders directly to elicit their views, often through surveys, choice experiments, or direct consultations. This information is instrumental in tailoring solutions to meet users' needs more effectively, enhancing satisfaction, adoption, and adherence to recommended actions or interventions.

PREFERENCE INTELLIGENCE is the analytical insight gained from preference data, enabling organizations to predict, understand, and respond to the preferences of their customers or users. It involves using algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze preference data, enhancing decision-making and personalization efforts.

PREFERENCES are defined by choices or inclinations individuals have among a range of options based on their values, needs, wants, aspirations, attitudes, and experiences. Preferences play a crucial role in decision-making, indicating what individuals accept, prioritize or favor in given situations. In healthcare, preferences can influence the type of treatments patients opt for, based on factors like side effects, convenience, or the method of administration.

PRODUCT refers to a tangible item or piece developed to meet specific needs or solve problems for subjects (users, patients, citizens). In a HUMAN-CENTERED APPROACH, a product is designed with a deep understanding of the subjects' needs, preferences, behaviors, and context, ensuring that it not only performs its intended function but also enhances the overall user experience, is accessible, and provides meaningful value.

PROVIDER refers to individuals, organizations, or entities that supply or deliver products, services, or care, particularly within healthcare, technology, or service industries. This term highlights the responsibility of providers to ensure that their offerings are accessible, high-quality, and aligned with the needs and preferences of those they serve.

REGULATORY (frameworks) are sets of formal rules and guidelines developed by governmental bodies, regulatory agencies, or professional organizations to oversee the development, deployment, and operation of products, services, systems, and policies. Regulatory frameworks aim to ensure that these entities are safe, effective, equitable, and operate in the best interest of the public and the environment.

SERVICE is an intangible offering that involves the provision of support, care, or assistance to subjects (users, patients, citizens). Services are characterized by their focus on meeting the needs of subjects through personal interaction, expertise, or the execution of tasks. In the context of HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN, services are tailored to the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of the subjects, aiming for high satisfaction, effectiveness, and a positive impact on their well-being or convenience.

STAKEHOLDER encompasses all individuals, groups, or organizations with an interest or stake in a particular issue, project, or outcome. Stakeholders include users, patients, citizens, providers, and policymakers, among others, emphasizing the need for multi-perspective collaboration and engagement in creating effective and equitable solutions.

SUBJECT refers to any individual or group whose needs, experiences, and behaviors are the focus of a study, intervention, or design process. In various contexts, subjects can be users, patients, citizens, or stakeholders. The term emphasizes the human element at the center of any initiative, underscoring the importance of understanding and addressing their intrinsic needs and preferences.

SYSTEM refers to a complex set of interrelated components—whether technological, organizational, or societal—that work together to achieve a common goal or function. In a human-centered context, a system is designed or evaluated with a holistic view of the subjects it serves, ensuring that every component is optimized for usability, efficiency, and effectiveness. Systems thinking in HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN involves considering how various parts of the system affect subjects' experiences and outcomes, aiming for coherence, accessibility, and integration that support the subjects' needs and enhance their interaction with the system.

USER is a term that specifically refers to individuals or groups who interact with a product, service, or system. It emphasizes the role of humans as active participants in engaging with designed solutions, with a focus on how these interactions meet their needs, preferences, and enhance their experience.

USER EXPERIENCES encompass all aspects of a user's interaction with a company, its services, and its products. It focuses on designing products and services with the intent of optimizing the quality of the user's interaction and ensuring satisfaction.

USER OUTCOMES are the specific results or benefits experienced by users as a result of interacting with a product, service, or system. These outcomes are critical in assessing the effectiveness and value of user-centered designs and solutions.

UTILIZATION refers to the extent to which individuals use available services, products, or interventions. It is a critical measure of the effectiveness and accessibility of solutions. High utilization rates can indicate that a service meets the needs and preferences of its target audience, whereas low utilization might signal barriers to access, misalignment with user needs or preferences, or lack of awareness.

VALUE PROPOSITION is a statement or concept that outlines the unique benefits, features, and advantages that an object offers to its subjects. It is what differentiates the object from others in the market or field and is designed to appeal to the subjects' needs, preferences, and aspirations. A compelling value proposition is crucial for attracting and retaining the interest of subjects, ensuring that the object effectively meets their needs and exceeds their expectations.

WANTS are desires that go beyond the necessities required for well-being. They are shaped by individual preferences, cultural influences, and social contexts. Wants are more about what individuals would like to have for their satisfaction or happiness, which can vary greatly among people and over time. For example, someone might want the latest smartphone, a particular healthcare provider, or a specific type of treatment that they believe is best, even if alternatives exist.